Merging overlapping & non-overlapping variants & variant annotations (no GT-level info needed) in hail, similar to R's merge() function

Looking for something similar to R’s merge() function which allows for merging of overlapping and non-overlapping variants and annotations in Hail. I need this for the purpose of meta-analyzing single variant results from 3 different vdses, and annotating the resulting output.

format envisioned:

hail  importannotations table ${VDS1.bgz} \
  -c 'va.rsID = table.rsID, va.Gene = table.Gene, va.Consq = table.Consq,
  va.TOPMed.AF = table.AF, va.TOPMed.pval = table.pval, va.TOPMed.beta = table.beta, =, 
  va.TOPMed.nHomRef = table.nHomRef,  va.TOPMed.nHet = table.nHet,  va.TOPMed.nHomVar = table.nHomVar)' -e v --impute \
  importannotations table ${VDS2.bgz} \
  -c 'va.rsID = table.rsID, va.Gene = table.Gene, va.Consq = table.Consq,
  va.MESA.AF = table.AF, va.MESA.pval = table.pval, va.MESA.beta = table.beta, =, 
  va.MESA.nHomRef = table.nHomRef,  va.MESA.nHet = table.nHet,  va.MESA.nHomVar = table.nHomVar)' -e v --impute \
  importannotations table ${VDS3.bgz} \
  -c 'va.rsID = table.rsID, va.Gene = table.Gene, va.Consq = table.Consq,
  va.MESA.AF = table.AF, va.MESA.pval = table.pval, va.MESA.beta = table.beta, =, 
  va.MESA.nHomRef = table.nHomRef,  va.MESA.nHet = table.nHet,  va.MESA.nHomVar = table.nHomVar)' -e v --impute \ ...[doing meta-analysis and exportingvariants]

Hi Maryam, this should already be possible using KeyTables and outer join in the Python front end.

Let’s work this out together tomorrow and we can then post the workflow here.


have you worked out a way to do this? I’m also interested in the possibility of doing meta-analyses of several vds sets in Hail, is that possible?