import hail as hl print("hl.init") hl.init(default_reference="GRCh38") #log='/home/hail/combiner.log') print("hl.init done") bucket="gs://interval-wes/gvcf_for_hail_jc/" path_to_input_list = bucket + 'jc/vcf_list.fofn' # a file with one GVCF path per line print(path_to_input_list) inputs = [] with hl.hadoop_open(path_to_input_list, 'r') as f: for line in f: print("hl.hadoop_open counter:" + str(counter)) inputs.append(line.strip()) print("hl.hadoop_open done") output_file = bucket + 'jc/' # output destination temp_bucket = bucket + 'jc/tmp' # bucket for storing intermediate files print(output_file) print(temp_bucket) print("run combiner") hl.experimental.run_combiner(inputs, out_file=output_file, tmp_path=temp_bucket, reference_genome='GRCh38') print("run combiner done")