I am new to hail / genomics. I have a matrix table with locus and allele as row fields, s as a column field, and GT as an entry field. I want to find the counts of each genotype for each locus. So as example:
locus alleles s GT
chr:pos [“T”,“C”] 1 0/1
chr:pos [“T”,“C”] 2 0/0
chr:pos2 [“A”,“G”] 1 0/1
chr:pos2 [“A”,“G”] 2 1/1
Then I’d want to get
locus alleles count_GT
chr:pos [“T”,“C”] {0/0: 1, 0/1:1, 1/1:0}
chr:pos2 [“A”, “G”]. {0/0:0, 0/1:1, 1/1:1}
Thank you