I have an array of float numbers with each entry corresponding to an entry in matrixTable. I would like to annotate each entry with a value from the array. Here is an example:
array = [1, 1, 1]
mt = mt.annotate_entries(featureName = array)
length of the array corresponds to the number of entries in matrixTable.
as a result I am getting that each entry is annotated with the entire array rather than a single entry getting a single value from the array:
locus | alleles | s |
| locus | array | str |
| 1:909917 | [“G”,“A”] | “HG00733” |
| 1:909917 | [“G”,“A”] | “HG01874” |
| 1:909917 | [“G”,“A”] | “HG01970” |
| 1:909917 | [“G”,“A”] | “HG02250” |
| 1:909917 | [“G”,“A”] | “HG02373” |
| featureName |
| array |
| [1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1… |
| [1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1… |
| [1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1… |
| [1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1… |
| [1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1.00e+00,1… |
Could you please suggest how can I get the first matrixTable entry to get annotated with the first element of the array, second entry with the second element and so on.