Annotate MatrixTable from complex JSON (Nirvana)

I am trying to annotate my Nirvana which outputs a JSON. From thondeboer’s very neat notebook I’m doing:

ht = hl.import_table(

nirvana_schema = """
    chromosome: str,
    refAllele: str,
    position: int32,
    altAlleles: array<str>,
    cytogeneticBand: str,
    quality: float64,
    filters: array<str>,
    jointSomaticNormalQuality: int32,
    copyNumber: int32,
    strandBias: float64,
    recalibratedQuality: float64,
    variants: array<struct{
        altAllele: str,
        refAllele: str,
        chromosome: str,
        begin: int32,
        end: int32,
        phylopScore: float64,
        isReferenceMinor: bool,
        variantType: str,
        vid: str,
        hgvsg: str,
        isRecomposedVariant: bool,
        isDecomposedVariant: bool,
        regulatoryRegions: array<struct{
            id: str,
            type: str,
            consequence: set<str>
        clinvar: array<struct{
            id: str,
            reviewStatus: str,
            isAlleleSpecific: bool,
            alleleOrigins: array<str>,
            refAllele: str,
            altAllele: str,
            phenotypes: array<str>,
            medGenIds: array<str>,
            omimIds: array<str>,
            orphanetIds: array<str>,
            significance: str,
            lastUpdatedDate: str,
            pubMedIds: array<str>
        cosmic: array<struct{
            id: str,
            isAlleleSpecific: bool,
            refAllele: str,
            altAllele: str,
            gene: str,
            sampleCount: int32,
            studies: array<struct{
                id: int32,
                histology: str,
                primarySite: str
        dbsnp: struct{
            ids: array<str>
        globalAllele: struct{
            globalMinorAllele: str,
            globalMinorAlleleFrequency: float64
        gnomad: struct{
            coverage: str,
            allAf: float64,
            allAc: int32,
            allAn: int32,
            allHc: int32,
            afrAf: float64,
            afrAc: int32,
            afrAn: int32,
            afrHc: int32,
            amrAf: float64,
            amrAc: int32,
            amrAn: int32,
            amrHc: int32,
            easAf: float64,
            easAc: int32,
            easAn: int32,
            easHc: int32,
            finAf: float64,
            finAc: int32,
            finAn: int32,
            finHc: int32,
            nfeAf: float64,
            nfeAc: int32,
            nfeAn: int32,
            nfeHc: int32,
            othAf: float64,
            othAc: int32,
            othAn: int32,
            othHc: int32,
            asjAf: float64,
            asjAc: int32,
            asjAn: int32,
            asjHc: int32,
            failedFilter: bool
        gnomadExome: struct{
            coverage: str,
            allAf: float64,
            allAc: int32,
            allAn: int32,
            allHc: int32,
            afrAf: float64,
            afrAc: int32,
            afrAn: int32,
            afrHc: int32,
            amrAf: float64,
            amrAc: int32,
            amrAn: int32,
            amrHc: int32,
            easAf: float64,
            easAc: int32,
            easAn: int32,
            easHc: int32,
            finAf: float64,
            finAc: int32,
            finAn: int32,
            finHc: int32,
            nfeAf: float64,
            nfeAc: int32,
            nfeAn: int32,
            nfeHc: int32,
            othAf: float64,
            othAc: int32,
            othAn: int32,
            othHc: int32,
            asjAf: float64,
            asjAc: int32,
            asjAn: int32,
            asjHc: int32,
            sasAf: float64,
            sasAc: int32,
            sasAn: int32,
            sasHc: int32,
            failedFilter: bool
        topmed: struct{
            failedFilter: bool,
            allAc: int32,
            allAn: int32,
            allAf: float64,
            allHc: int32
        oneKg: struct{
            ancestralAllele: str,
            allAf: float64,
            allAc: int32,
            allAn: int32,
            afrAf: float64,
            afrAc: int32,
            afrAn: int32,
            amrAf: float64,
            amrAc: int32,
            amrAn: int32,
            easAf: float64,
            easAc: int32,
            easAn: int32,
            eurAf: float64,
            eurAc: int32,
            eurAn: int32,
            sasAf: float64,
            sasAc: int32,
            sasAn: int32
        mitomap: array<struct{
            refAllele: str,
            altAllele: str,
            diseases : array<str>,
            hasHomoplasmy: bool,
            hasHeteroplasmy: bool,
            status: str,
            clinicalSignificance: str,
            scorePercentile: float64,
            isAlleleSpecific: bool,
            chromosome: str,
            begin: int32,
            end: int32,
            variantType: str
        transcripts: struct{
            refSeq: array<struct{
                transcript: str,
                bioType: str,
                aminoAcids: str,
                cdnaPos: str,
                codons: str,
                cdsPos: str,
                exons: str,
                introns: str,
                geneId: str,
                hgnc: str,
                consequence: array<str>,
                hgvsc: str,
                hgvsp: str,
                isCanonical: bool,
                polyPhenScore: float64,
                polyPhenPrediction: str,
                proteinId: str,
                proteinPos: str,
                siftScore: float64,
                siftPrediction: str
            ensembl: array<struct{
                transcript: str,
                bioType: str,
                aminoAcids: str,
                cdnaPos: str,
                codons: str,
                cdsPos: str,
                exons: str,
                introns: str,
                geneId: str,
                hgnc: str,
                consequence: array<str>,
                hgvsc: str,
                hgvsp: str,
                isCanonical: bool,
                polyPhenScore: float64,
                polyPhenPrediction: str,
                proteinId: str,
                proteinPos: str,
                siftScore: float64,
                siftPrediction: str
        overlappingGenes: array<str>
    genes: array<struct{
        name: str,
        omim: array<struct{
            mimNumber: int32,
            hgnc: str,
            description: str,
            phenotypes: array<struct{
                mimNumber: int32,
                phenotype: str,
                mapping: str,
                inheritance: array<str>,
                comments: str
        exac: struct{
            pLi: float64,
            pRec: float64,
            pNull: float64

json_expr = hl.parse_json(ht.f0,dtype=nirvana_schema)

Here nirvana_schema is from hl.nirvana’s documentation. This gives:

IncompleteParseError: Rule ‘type’ matched in its entirety, but it didn’t consume all the text. The non-matching portion of the text begins with ‘uct{
chromosome:’ (line 2, column 4).

Is there a good way to achieve this? I’m a bit in over my head here but thanks in advance!