Error: is.hail.backend.spark.SparkBackend

Hello, I am a new learner of Hail. Recently I was using Hail in the jupyterlab_spark_cluster to perform genotype QC of VCF files. However, it always showed failing in the hl.init() command.The error message is as follows. I would appreciate it if you could kindly give me some assistance.

Every step is followed the official notebook. I really don’t know how to solve it

Hey, I was having a similar issue, which I think originated from my installation not being completely set up correctly. Did you follow the instructions here? You will need to install JDK 11 and ensure the path for that is set up on your machine.
You don’t need to import or set up Spark separately in your Python notebook. It is configured as the backend for Hail.

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Thank you! I will try it again!

For the path, I had to add this path
export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-11.jdk/Contents/Home/"
to my .zprofile file, but it could be a different path for you.

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Great kindly! I use pwd and find the proper path. Now I can run my code successfully!