This works, but the resulting file requires a lot of parsing:
locus alleles rsid cm_position logreg
1:768448 [“G”,“A”] rs12562034 0.0000e+00 {“beta”:0.24564585404573575,“standard_error”:0.09766742410866683,“z_stat”:2.515125757513836,“p_value”:0.011898993159370147,“fit”:{“n_iterations”:4,“converged”:true,“exploded”:false}}
The explode() method does not apply here (and does not apply to structures). Is there a quick way to save the results as different columns? (logreg.beta etc would be just fine)
One more thing though, I don’t understand the two stars in**results.logreg), what do they stand for? I saw this for ds.annotate() also.
it’s usually a good idea to avoid the ** in annotate unless you’re sure you want to be doing that, as it can do things like overwrite existing fields. Generally annotate_cols(phenos = pheno_table[mt.s]) is safer than annotate_cols(**pheno_table[mt.s]), but will require you to access fields with mt.phenos.pheno1 rather than me.pheno1