This seems never happen before,
first the error shows auto scale was not imported, then I imported the following file,
1 workerConfig:
2 minInstances: 2
3 maxInstances: 50
4 secondaryWorkerConfig:
5 maxInstances: 50
6 basicAlgorithm:
7 cooldownPeriod: 4m
8 yarnConfig:
9 scaleUpFactor: 0.05
10 scaleDownFactor: 1.0
11 gracefulDecommissionTimeout: 1h
Then start the job like,
hailctl dataproc start ukbbwesqc --autoscaling-policy=hailautoscale
no errors thrown,
but when I run the following, there are errors
hailctl dataproc submit ukbbwesqc
ERROR: ( Job [0fd863203b89439db21080cd78e97480] failed with error:
Google Cloud Dataproc Agent reports job failure. If logs are available, they can be found at:
gcloud dataproc jobs wait ‘0fd863203b89439db21080cd78e97480’ --region ‘us-east1’ --project ‘qualitycontrol-330617’