How to pass gcloud parameters through hailctl?


I’m trying to run the following command

hailctl dataproc submit \
  --files=${my_files} \
  ${cluster_name} \
  ${} \
  ${jobarg1} \

which results in this gcloud command being run:

gcloud dataproc jobs submit pyspark ${} \
    --files=${my_files} \
    --py-files=/tmp/ \
    --properties= \
    -- \

My issue is that I also want to run gcloud dataproc submit with the --driver-log-levels root=WARN parameter to get something like this:

gcloud dataproc jobs submit pyspark ${} \
    --files=${my_files} \
    --driver-log-levels root=WARN \
    --py-files=/tmp/ \
    --properties= \
    -- \

I cannot figure out the hailctl dataproc submit command which would successfully pass the --driver-log-levels root=WARN paramter to gcloud dataproc

Theoretically, I’m pretty sure you’re just supposed to be able to pass extra arguments to submit and they get passed along to gcloud. Try just adding --driver-log-levels root=WARN at the end of your submit command and see if that generates the gcloud command you want. Note that you can add --dry-run argument to hailctl submit in order to just have it print the gcloud command without executing it.