Context: I am annotating a matrix table with VEP after performing some filters on it. I then write the matrix table to a database. This part works successfully, I have tried reading in the matrix table after exporting it and viewing it’s entry/row/column tables and it works without any errors or issues. Then, I perform some filters regarding the allele frequency, and then I store the matrix row table and the matrix entry table in 2 different variables. When I view these tables, i.e, and, it works without any issues. After this, I export both tables to the database or to disk (I have tried both, the issue persists in both) in .tsv.bgz format. Then, I reread those tables (for checking), and when I run the commands and, it throws an error.
Error: The error says “expected 228 fields, but found 235 fields”.
I have attached screenshots to help with context.
Here is am viewing the rows table
Here I am exporting the rows table
Here I am importing from the same path where I exported the table to
Here is the full error log
Any help will be gladly appreciated.