Logistic regression using firth test returns N

I am trying to replicate GWAS results for 7 variants that when I perform logistic regression analysis using firth test returns NAs and works fine with linear regression. the sample sizes and MAF are not terrible because that might be reason

Hail_linear (age, PC1-PC5)
SNP N_males_afr N_Case_afr N_controls_afr MAC MAF freq_case freq_controls beta se
a 3138 384 2647 200 3.19E-02 0.032552 0.003211 -1.61E-02 1.08E-02
b 3138 384 2647 161 2.57E-02 0.023438 0.001511 -5.45E-03 1.22E-02
c 3138 384 2647 117 1.86E-02 0.022135 0.0034 3.95E-02 1.39E-02
d 3138 384 2647 201 3.20E-02 0.028646 0.003589 -1.87E-02 1.09E-02

Hey @hirbokazi !

Can you share the code you used for linear regression and the code for logistic regression?