This message means you’re running out of space. It’s possible you don’t have enough quota or disk space at /filepath.
In general, duplicating all the genotypes (i.e. writing an entire MT with the GTs) will use quite a bit of space!
If the prune only keeps a small percent of variants (~10% or fewer) I expect a performance benefit to operations that read that MT (because you’re reading 10% of the data). I also expect that writing it will only take 10% as much space as the original MT.
On the other hand, if your prune keeps a large percentage of the rows, copying the entire dataset isn’t worth the space and time cost. Instead, I recommend saving the LD pruned variants as a table:
You’re right - the issue is that the written file used all the space. Additionally, I later noted that the default ‘temporary file folder’ in my HPC is full (only 10G) so maybe that is the reason I got the error message (i.e., no space left on device)?
Are there any ways to ‘change’ the default ‘tmp’ folder in Hail? If I could change the tmp to my individual folder on the HPC (much larger than 10G), then this might help resolve the issue?
Please let me know if and how I may change the path for the tmpDir.
Also, appreciate your suggestions on saving the LD pruned variants as a table. After pruning, I still have ~18% left. I’ll try to save it as a table.