Hi there,
I’m trying to export a vds to VCF but I’m getting an "hail.java.FatalError: IOException: No space left on device
" error.
I have plenty of space on the drive I’m writing to, so not sure where the limitation maybe.
vds.write("/Burden_data/WGS_CHD_Burden_samples.vds",overwrite=True) #
vds.export_vcf("/Burden_data/WGS_CHD_Burden_samples.vcf.bgz") #
The vds.write is fine and I can see the vds file is created (file size 547MB), but the export_vcf fails. Given the size of the vds, the VCF should not be that large.
In starting my spark-submit I set a driver-memory of 22G
and I have pointed my $SPARK_WORKER_DIR and $SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS to filespace of 400GB.
hope someone can help.
Thanks for your assistance in advance.