Selectively recompute p-values with different regressions

TLDR I don’t know how to dynamically trigger regression fit only in a sparse pattern in my grid of variants times phenotypes.

Hi! I was trying to do this one gwas-related thing in hail and I’m bit stuck.
It’s a bit long to spell out :slight_smile:
I wanted to do a simple simulation, where I’m looking at extreme p-values obtained with a group of control-samples and many fake binary phenotypes. So, I’d like to be able to quickly do gwases for many binary traits, but I’m only interested in the lowest p-value from each single gwas.
Say I have a matrix table which looks like this:

# fake genotypes
n_variants = 2_000
mt = hl.balding_nichols_model(
    6, 200, n_variants
    {"sample_idx": "s"}

# fake phenotypes (ys)
n_ys = 160
y_names = [f"y_{i + 1}" for i in range(n_ys)]
mt = mt.annotate_cols(
    **{y_name: hl.rand_bool(0.2)\
       for y_name in y_names

# fake phenotypes (covariates)
mt = mt.annotate_cols(
    is_female = hl.rand_bool(0.5),
    age =, 75))

# PCs
n_pcs = 3
_, pcs, _ = hl.hwe_normalized_pca(mt.GT, k=n_pcs)
mt = mt.annotate_cols(scores = pcs[mt.s].scores)

And now I’m interested in the min_pvals, a distribution of p-values obtained in the following way

gwas = hl.logistic_regression_rows(
    y = [mt[y] for y in y_names],
    x = mt.GT.n_alt_alleles(),
    covariates = [
        *[mt.scores[i] for i in range(n_pcs)]

min_pvals = gwas.aggregate(
min_pvals = np.sort(np.array(min_pvals))

Given which, I’d like to ask about e.g. the 5th lower percentile of those minimal p-values.

plt.plot(-np.log10(min_pvals), 'o-')
significance_0 = -np.log10(0.05 / n_variants)
significance_1 = -np.log10(np.percentile(min_pvals, 5))
plt.plot([0, len(min_pvals)], [significance_0, significance_0], "--", label="bonferroni")
plt.plot([0, len(min_pvals)], [significance_1, significance_1], "--", label='simulated')
plt.ylabel("$-log_{10}(\min($p-value$))$", fontsize=16)


I’d like to do that with larger nonfake mt, more covariates, and higher values of n_ys. And preferably many times over various sets of samples.
As far as I can tell, hl.linear_regression_rows is faster than hl.logistic_regression_rows("wald") which again is faster than hl.logistic_regression_rows("firth"). But, given a binary phenotype, p-value from firth is more desirable than from wald which again is more desirable than one from linear_regression.
So, I had this idea:

  • Do gwas with linear regression (all variants x all phenotypes).
  • For each phenotype compute lower, say 10th, percentile of the p-values.
  • For each phenotype, take only those variants whose p-values are below this percentile and fit them with Wald logistic regression. Swap the p-values from linear regression with the new ones from Wald.
  • For each phenotype, using only those variants where Wald was fitted, again compute 10th percentile.
  • For each phenotype, take only those variants where Wald was fitted and whose p-value is below this last percentile (or where the Wald regression fit did not converge), and fit them with Firth logistic regression. Swap the p-values from Wald with the new ones from Firth.
  • For each phenotype note it’s minimal p-value.
  • Hope that this is faster but gives roughly the same result (in terms of distribution of the obtained minimal p-values) as simply fitting Firth everywhere.

I’ve tried the following implementation, but it’s actually slower than simpy doing Firth. I guess it’s actually recomputing all p-values with all methods, rather than using the more expensive methods only for some variant-phenotype pairs.

def wald_regression_rows(**kwargs):
    return hl.logistic_regression_rows(test="wald", **kwargs)

def firth_regression_rows(**kwargs):
    return hl.logistic_regression_rows(test="firth", **kwargs)

def is_array(dtype):
        return True
        return False
def get_array_fields(ht):
    nonkey_fields = lambda : filter(
        lambda _: _[0] not in ht.key.dtype,
        zip(ht.row, ht.row.dtype.types)
    array_fields = [
        name for name, dtype in nonkey_fields()\
        if is_array(dtype)
    nonarray_fields = [
        name for name, dtype in nonkey_fields()\
        if not is_array(dtype)
    return array_fields, nonarray_fields

def gwas_ht2mt(ht, y_names):
    # Convert hail table returned
    # e.g. by linear_regression_rows
    # to matrix table with ys as columns
    array_fields, nonarray_fields = get_array_fields(ht)
    ht = ht.annotate(
        column = hl.enumerate(y_names).map(
            lambda _: hl.struct(
                idx = _[0],
                name = _[1]
    ht = ht.explode(ht.column)
    ht = ht.annotate(**{
        field: ht[field][ht.column.idx]\
        for field in array_fields
    mt_ = ht.to_matrix_table(
        row_fields = nonarray_fields
    return mt_

def do_gwas(
    kwargs = {
        "y": [mt[y_name] for y_name in y_names],
        "x": mt.GT.n_alt_alleles(),
        "covariates": [
            *[mt.scores[i] for i in range(n_pcs)]
    gwas_ht = hl_func(**kwargs)
    gwas_mt = gwas_ht2mt(gwas_ht, y_names)
    return gwas_mt

def do_gwas_mixed(

    gwas_lin = do_gwas(hl.linear_regression_rows, mt)
    gwas_wald = do_gwas(wald_regression_rows, mt)
    gwas_firth = do_gwas(firth_regression_rows, mt)

    gwas = gwas_lin.annotate_entries(
        lin = gwas_lin.entry

    gwas = gwas.annotate_cols(
        pval_percentile = hl.struct(
            lin = hl.agg.approx_quantiles(
    gwas = gwas.annotate_entries(
        wald =
            (gwas.lin.p_value < gwas.pval_percentile.lin) |
            gwas_wald[gwas.row_key, gwas.col_key].logistic_regression
    gwas = gwas.annotate_cols(
        pval_percentile = gwas.pval_percentile.annotate(
            wald = hl.agg.approx_quantiles(
    gwas = gwas.annotate_entries(
        firth =
            (gwas.wald.p_value < gwas.pval_percentile.wald) |\
            gwas_firth[gwas.row_key, gwas.col_key].logistic_regression
    gwas = gwas.annotate_entries(
        p_value =\
                hl.is_defined(gwas.firth) &\
                hl.is_defined(gwas.wald) &\
    return gwas

Apologies for this long, ugly snippet.
So, this doesn’t work, but perhaps it explains what I’m trying to do.
Simple timings in my jupyter:

do_gwas(hl.linear_regression_rows, mt).p_value.collect()
>>> 4.94 s ± 288 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

do_gwas(wald_regression_rows, mt).logistic_regression.p_value.collect()
>>> 13 s ± 1.11 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

do_gwas(firth_regression_rows, mt).logistic_regression.p_value.collect()
>>> 38.9 s ± 248 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

>>> 58.3 s ± 575 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

I suppose I should just use wald, but If anyone has any suggestions, about what is the best way to obtain my distribution of min_pvals, I would love to hear it!

From what I can tell, you’re totally correct about this. The core problem is that our logistic regression methods aren’t flexible enough – they take a list of phenotypes and run associations on all variants for those phenotypes. What you really want here, I think, is a way to run a logistic regression inside Hail expressions, which would let you execute regressions conditionally or inside of loops per row (though we can’t make a hl.agg.logreg aggregator yet due to the limitation that our aggregators are one-pass).

This is something we don’t have right now, but a lot of the NDArray infrastructure we’ve been working on is building to this. We’ve already implemented linear_regression_rows using this infrastructure, and I think that logistic regression is now several weeks away from the same.

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