Hi Dan, this is the log:
Hi Dan,
yes here it is:
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: ptyprocess>=0.5 in ./.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from pexpect; sys_platform != “win32”->ipython>=4.0.0->ipykernel<5->hail) (0.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: wcwidth in ./.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from prompt-toolkit<2.1.0,>=2.0.0->ipython>=4.0.0->ipykernel<5->hail) (0.1.7)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: parso>=0.5.0 in ./.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from jedi>=0.10->ipython>=4.0.0->ipykernel<5->hail) (0.5.1)
WARNING: Dataproc --region flag will become required in January 2020. Please either specify this flag, or set default by running 'gcloud config set dataproc/region ’
ERROR: (gcloud.dataproc.clusters.create) ALREADY_EXISTS: Already exists: Failed to create cluster: Cluster projects/ibd-interval/regions/global/clusters/hail
gcloud dataproc clusters create hail
Starting cluster ‘hail’…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/lustre/scratch119/realdata/mdt3/teams/hgi/hail/interval_wgs_upload/google/.venv/bin/hailctl”, line 11, in
File “/lustre/scratch119/realdata/mdt3/teams/hgi/hail/interval_wgs_upload/google/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hailtop/hailctl/main.py”, line 91, in main
File “/lustre/scratch119/realdata/mdt3/teams/hgi/hail/interval_wgs_upload/google/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hailtop/hailctl/dataproc/cli.py”, line 106, in main
jmp[args.module].main(args, pass_through_args)
File “/lustre/scratch119/realdata/mdt3/teams/hgi/hail/interval_wgs_upload/google/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hailtop/hailctl/dataproc/start.py”, line 195, in main
File “/software/python-3.6.1/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py”, line 291, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command ‘[‘gcloud’, ‘dataproc’, ‘clusters’, ‘create’, ‘hail’, ‘–image-version=1.4-debian9’, ‘–properties=spark:spark.driver.maxResultSize=0,spark:spark.task.maxFailures=20,spark:spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=1g,spark:spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Xss4M,spark:spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-Xss4M,hdfs:dfs.replication=1,dataproc:dataproc.logging.stackdriver.enable=false,dataproc:dataproc.monitoring.stackdriver.enable=false,spark:spark.driver.memory=41g’, ‘–initialization-actions=gs://hail-common/hailctl/dataproc/0.2.20/init_notebook.py’, ‘–metadata=^|||^WHEEL=gs://hail-common/hailctl/dataproc/0.2.20/hail-0.2.20-py3-none-any.whl|||PKGS=aiohttp|bokeh>1.1,<1.3|decorator<5|gcsfs==0.2.1|hurry.filesize==0.9|ipykernel<5|nest_asyncio|numpy<2|pandas>0.22,<0.24|parsimonious<0.9|PyJWT|python-json-logger==0.1.11|requests>=2.21.0,<2.21.1|scipy>1.2,<1.4|tabulate==0.8.3|PyYAML’, ‘–master-machine-type=n1-highmem-8’, ‘–master-boot-disk-size=100GB’, ‘–num-master-local-ssds=0’, ‘–num-preemptible-workers=0’, ‘–num-worker-local-ssds=0’, ‘–num-workers=64’, ‘–preemptible-worker-boot-disk-size=40GB’, ‘–worker-boot-disk-size=40’, ‘–worker-machine-type=n1-standard-8’, ‘–zone=europe-west2-a’, ‘–initialization-action-timeout=20m’, ‘–labels=creator=pa10_sanger_ac_uk’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.
WARNING: Dataproc --region flag will become required in January 2020. Please either specify this flag, or set default by running 'gcloud config set dataproc/region ’
Job [df460c2480934eb89acb237d75ac477d] submitted.
Waiting for job output…
Running on Apache Spark version 2.4.3
SparkUI available at http://hail-m.c.ibd-interval.internal:4042
Welcome to
__ __ <>__
/ // /__ __/ /
/ __ / _ `/ / /
// //_,/// version 0.2.20-dd6c996e7db5
LOGGING: writing to /tmp/df460c2480934eb89acb237d75ac477d/hail-20190902-1603-0.2.20-dd6c996e7db5.log
2019-09-02 16:03:44 Hail: INFO: Reading table with no type imputation
Loading column ‘Locus’ as type ‘locus’ (user-specified)
Loading column ‘VQSLOD’ as type ‘float64’ (user-specified)
2019-09-02 16:03:45 Hail: INFO: Reading table with no type imputation
Loading column ‘Locus’ as type ‘locus’ (user-specified)
Loading column ‘VQSLOD’ as type ‘float64’ (user-specified)
2019-09-02 16:03:45 Hail: INFO: Reading table to impute column types
[Stage 0:> (0 + 8) / 8]
[Stage 0:=============================> (4 + 4) / 8]2019-09-02 16:03:47 Hail: INFO: Finished type imputation
Loading column ‘ID’ as type ‘str’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘SupplierName’ as type ‘str’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘SangerName’ as type ‘str’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘ALIQUOT_LAB1’ as type ‘str’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘GenotypeID’ as type ‘int64’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘GenotypeData’ as type ‘int64’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Identifier’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Wgs_RAW_bl’ as type ‘str’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Wgs_RAW_24m’ as type ‘str’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Study’ as type ‘str’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘DUP’ as type ‘str’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Inferred_GWA_ID’ as type ‘int64’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘MatchedIDs’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PIHAT_01875’ as type ‘str’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘SEX’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘KARYOTYPE’ as type ‘str’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Depth’ as type ‘float64’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Median_FreeMix_NPG’ as type ‘float64’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Median_FreeMix_HGI’ as type ‘float64’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘NRD’ as type ‘float64’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Missing’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Het’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘HomAlt’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘HetHomAlt’ as type ‘float64’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘Mean_Chim’ as type ‘float64’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PASS_ID’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PASS_DUP’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PASS_SampleSwap’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PASS_PIHAT’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PASS_Sex’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PASS_Depth’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PASS_Median_FreeMix’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PASS_NRD’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PASS_HetHomAlt’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
Loading column ‘PASS_CHIM’ as type ‘int32’ (imputed)
[Stage 2:> (0 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:> (8 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:> (16 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=> (25 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=> (33 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==> (41 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==> (47 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===> (57 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===> (65 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:====> (73 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:====> (81 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:====> (89 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=====> (97 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=====> (106 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:======> (114 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:======> (123 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=======> (132 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=======> (140 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=======> (146 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:========> (156 + 8) / 1000]
[Stage 2:========> (163 + 12) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=========> (171 + 12) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=========> (177 + 12) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=========> (187 + 16) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==========> (197 + 16) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==========> (205 + 16) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===========> (215 + 16) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===========> (223 + 20) / 1000]
[Stage 2:============> (231 + 20) / 1000]
[Stage 2:============> (240 + 20) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=============> (248 + 24) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=============> (257 + 24) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==============> (265 + 24) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==============> (273 + 24) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==============> (280 + 28) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===============> (289 + 40) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===============> (297 + 40) / 1000]
[Stage 2:================> (305 + 40) / 1000]
[Stage 2:================> (317 + 40) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=================> (327 + 44) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==================> (342 + 60) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==================> (353 + 72) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===================> (367 + 72) / 1000]
[Stage 2:====================> (382 + 72) / 1000]
[Stage 2:====================> (395 + 72) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=====================> (407 + 96) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=====================> (420 + 128) / 1000]
[Stage 2:======================> (435 + 136) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=======================> (447 + 136) / 1000]
[Stage 2:========================> (472 + 137) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=========================> (490 + 160) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==========================> (509 + 196) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===========================> (537 + 220) / 1000]
[Stage 2:============================> (548 + 260) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==============================> (584 + 272) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===============================> (604 + 328) / 1000]
[Stage 2:================================> (630 + 348) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==================================> (671 + 329) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===================================> (688 + 312) / 1000]
[Stage 2:====================================> (693 + 307) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=====================================> (712 + 288) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=====================================> (716 + 284) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=====================================> (727 + 273) / 1000]
[Stage 2:======================================> (746 + 254) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=======================================> (763 + 237) / 1000]
[Stage 2:========================================> (784 + 216) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=========================================> (792 + 208) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==========================================> (812 + 188) / 1000]
[Stage 2:===========================================> (832 + 168) / 1000]
[Stage 2:============================================> (848 + 152) / 1000]
[Stage 2:=============================================> (872 + 128) / 1000]
[Stage 2:================================================> (913 + 87) / 1000]
[Stage 2:==================================================> (944 + 56) / 1000]
[Stage 2:====================================================>(984 + 16) / 1000]2019-09-02 16:04:04 Hail: INFO: Coerced sorted dataset
[Stage 3:> (0 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:> (4 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:> (8 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:> (12 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=> (22 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=> (35 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:==> (43 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:==> (50 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:===> (65 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=====> (102 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=======> (152 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:==========> (195 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=============> (265 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:================> (319 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:==================> (364 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:===================> (382 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:====================> (385 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:====================> (391 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:====================> (392 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:====================> (393 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:====================> (396 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=====================> (409 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:======================> (427 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=======================> (457 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=========================> (497 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 3:============================> (540 + 460) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=============================> (570 + 430) / 1000]
[Stage 3:===============================> (614 + 386) / 1000]
[Stage 3:====================================> (700 + 300) / 1000]
[Stage 3:========================================> (770 + 230) / 1000]
[Stage 3:==========================================> (825 + 175) / 1000]
[Stage 3:============================================> (853 + 147) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=============================================> (867 + 133) / 1000]
[Stage 3:==============================================> (894 + 106) / 1000]
[Stage 3:================================================> (921 + 79) / 1000]
[Stage 3:==================================================> (944 + 56) / 1000]
[Stage 3:==================================================> (950 + 50) / 1000]
[Stage 3:==================================================> (959 + 41) / 1000]
[Stage 3:===================================================> (973 + 27) / 1000]
[Stage 3:====================================================>(983 + 17) / 1000]
[Stage 3:====================================================>(988 + 12) / 1000]
[Stage 3:=====================================================>(998 + 2) / 1000]2019-09-02 16:04:28 Hail: INFO: wrote matrix table with 26817 rows and 12354 columns in 1000 partitions to gs://interval-wgs/checkpoints/chr20-mini-fragment.mt
** Read mt completed after 0:00:41.153290
[Stage 4:> (0 + 1) / 1]
[Stage 5:> (0 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:> (2 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:> (10 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=> (19 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=> (24 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=> (33 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:==> (40 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:===> (58 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====> (105 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:========> (154 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:===========> (214 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=============> (254 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:==============> (275 + 477) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=================> (333 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:==================> (362 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================> (408 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:======================> (429 + 476) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=======================> (453 + 476) / 1000]
5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]
[Stage 5:=====================================================>(999 + 1) / 1000]