Can you please clarify what is best practice for a new user using Hail with GCP for the first time, how to get billing set up so that we have the ability to use dataproc and requester pays buckets?
I am a new Broadie and my group is using Hail for the first time. We just set up a GCP billing account MYBILLING and created a project MYPROJECTNAME. I have confirmed that I am logged in with gcloud auth list
and that I have the following permissions with gcloud projects get-iam-policy MYPROJECTNAME
And yet when I try to run Hail, for instance with hailctl dataproc start cluster-1 --packages gnomad
, I get this error:
ERROR: (gcloud.projects.get-iam-policy) User [XXX] does not have permission to access projects instance [XXX:getIamPolicy] (or it may not exist): The caller does not have permission
I have already consulted this: Using Hail on the Google Cloud Platform but it says it is “old and no longer works”. Meanwhiel the current “hail on the cloud” documentation: Hail | Hail on the Cloud does not specify how to grant the necessary permissions so that one can run the commands indicated.