Hail 0.2.38 missing notebook init

Hello hail team,

I just upgraded to hail 0.2.38 and received this error
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.dataproc.clusters.create) INVALID_ARGUMENT: Google Cloud Storage object does not exist 'gs://hail-common/hailctl/dataproc/0.2.38/init_notebook.py'
when trying to create a cluster with hailctl. Looks like that folder is missing?



Yes, it was broken. It should be fixed now though, try again.

Yup, all set, thank you

I’m getting a similar error now:
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.dataproc.clusters.create) Operation [projects/maclab-ukbb/regions/us-central1/operations/1fef1c88-1fb8-3339-89be-3c32ac3bdc47] failed: Initialization action failed. Failed action 'gs://hail-common/hailctl/dataproc/0.2.38/init_notebook.py', see output in: gs://dataproc-1aca38e4-67fe-4b64-b451-258ef1aea4d1-us-central1/google-cloud-dataproc-metainfo/f3b1ba8c-e549-44fb-a769-ab0194695729/kc1-m/dataproc-initialization-script-0_output.
I was able to start a cluster this morning just before 9AM but can’t start any clusters now.

You can check that output to confirm, but I suspect this happened because Github is down, and right now init_notebook.py depends on downloading something from Github. This is on the shortlist of things to fix. It should hopefully be fine in like 30 minutes, but release 0.2.39 won’t depend on Github anymore to prevent this from happening in the future.

gotcha, thank you!

githubstatus.com may be useful to track whether it’s been resolved.