For the past few days, i am getting an error message whenever i try to initiate the cluster with --vep GRCh37.
I am getting the following error message:
Initialization action failed. Failed action ‘gs://hail-common/hailctl/dataproc/0.2.23/’, see output in: gs://wes_development/google-cloud-dataproc-metainfo/b93872f2-a05e-4fe3-a6ac-3879d9448028/hailjupy-m/dataproc-initialization-script-1_output
When i look at the output file, i get the following message in the last lines:
Status: Downloaded newer image for konradjk/vep85_loftee:1.0.3
CommandException: No URLs matched: gs://hail-common/vep/vep/loftee-beta/GRCh37/1var.vcf
cat: /1var.vcf: No such file or directory
ERROR: No cache found for homo_sapiens, version 85
I get no error messages when i initiate with --VEP GRCh38.
I would be thankful for your help.