resulting in imputesex.isFemale majority is none, and rest are true/false, which is not correct according to sample labeling. Any reason causes it? Thanks.
None indicates that the inbreeding coefficient lies somewhere between 0.2 and 0.8. It might be a good idea to plot a histogram of the F statistic and see what that looks like. This could indicate poor data quality, or might be expected if you have very few X chromosome sites.
Also, if your dataset isn’t GRCh37, that could explain it – 0.1 is built for that reference genome and won’t process others correctly. 0.2 ( solves that problem.
F around 0.5 means that the sample has 50% of the expected number of heterozygous sites. This does indicate a problem either with the data or the way it’s represented.
Well I couldn’t control the version being installed on our company computing environment and currently it is 0.1… Would the above code works for 0.1 version? Thanks.