Inconsistent per sample QC result

Hi, Hail!

I’m trying to understand how with sample_qc statistics I get an inconsistent number of rows after exporting a table.

How I discovered the problem:

  1. First I conduct a sample qc.
mt = hl.sample_qc(mt)
2022-03-14 21:44:17 Hail: INFO: Coerced sorted dataset
| s         | n_snp | n_deletion | n_insertion |  r_ti_tv |
| str       | int64 |      int64 |       int64 |  float64 |
| "P512_10" | 22333 |         65 |          28 | 3,21e+00 |
| "P512_7"  | 22712 |         70 |          23 | 3,12e+00 |
| "P512_8"  | 22389 |         60 |          25 | 3,26e+00 |
  1. I write the table into a file.
  1. Check consequence counts in command line
cut -f3 result.tsv | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1,1n
      1 consequence
    640 splice_donor_variant
   1845 splice_acceptor_variant
   5735 frameshift_variant
   9659 stop_gained
  41369 synonymous_variant
  87966 missense_variant

“~22 000 n_snps per sample and only 3 samples in dataset” vs “~88 000 missense_variants” ???
How mt.sample_qc.n_snp, mt.sample_qc.n_deletion, mt.sample_qc.n_insertion works?

a little more information about the data

Global fields:
Column fields:
    's': str
    'sample_qc': struct {
        dp_stats: struct {
            mean: float64, 
            stdev: float64, 
            min: float64, 
            max: float64
        gq_stats: struct {
            mean: float64, 
            stdev: float64, 
            min: float64, 
            max: float64
        call_rate: float64, 
        n_called: int64, 
        n_not_called: int64, 
        n_filtered: int64, 
        n_hom_ref: int64, 
        n_het: int64, 
        n_hom_var: int64, 
        n_non_ref: int64, 
        n_singleton: int64, 
        n_snp: int64, 
        n_insertion: int64, 
        n_deletion: int64, 
        n_transition: int64, 
        n_transversion: int64, 
        n_star: int64, 
        r_ti_tv: float64, 
        r_het_hom_var: float64, 
        r_insertion_deletion: float64
Row fields:
    'locus': locus<GRCh37>
    'alleles': array<str>
    'rsid': str
    'qual': float64
    'filters': set<str>
    'info': struct {
        AC: array<int32>, 
        AF: array<float64>, 
        AN: int32, 
        BaseQRankSum: float64, 
        DP: int32, 
        END: int32, 
        ExcessHet: float64, 
        FS: float64, 
        InbreedingCoeff: float64, 
        MLEAC: array<int32>, 
        MLEAF: array<float64>, 
        MQ: float64, 
        MQRankSum: float64, 
        QD: float64, 
        RAW_MQandDP: array<int32>, 
        ReadPosRankSum: float64, 
        SOR: float64, 
        CSQ: array<str>
    'a_index': int32
    'was_split': bool
    'variant_qc': struct {
        dp_stats: struct {
            mean: float64, 
            stdev: float64, 
            min: float64, 
            max: float64
        gq_stats: struct {
            mean: float64, 
            stdev: float64, 
            min: float64, 
            max: float64
        AC: array<int32>, 
        AF: array<float64>, 
        AN: int32, 
        homozygote_count: array<int32>, 
        call_rate: float64, 
        n_called: int64, 
        n_not_called: int64, 
        n_filtered: int64, 
        n_het: int64, 
        n_non_ref: int64, 
        het_freq_hwe: float64, 
        p_value_hwe: float64, 
        p_value_excess_het: float64
    'kept_transcripts': array<str>
    'consequence': str
    'gene': str
    'gnomad_AF': str
    'gnomad_NFE_AF': str
    'MPC': str
    'hom_ref': int64
    'hom_var': int64
    'het': int64
Entry fields:
    'AD': array<int32>
    'DP': int32
    'GQ': int32
    'GT': call
    'MIN_DP': int32
    'PGT': call
    'PID': str
    'PL': array<int32>
    'PS': int32
    'RGQ': int32
    'SB': array<int32>
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['locus', 'alleles']

data size

(147214, 3)

Variant summary stats

Number of variants: 147214
Alleles per variant
  2 alleles: 147214 variants
Variants per contig
   1: 14992 variants
   2: 11162 variants
   3: 8812 variants
   4: 6494 variants
   5: 7121 variants
   6: 6728 variants
   7: 6811 variants
   8: 5045 variants
   9: 6047 variants
  10: 6159 variants
  11: 8811 variants
  12: 8167 variants
  13: 2834 variants
  14: 4787 variants
  15: 4931 variants
  16: 5492 variants
  17: 7522 variants
  18: 2683 variants
  19: 9411 variants
  20: 3731 variants
  21: 1454 variants
  22: 3067 variants
   X: 4952 variants
   Y: 1 variants
Allele type distribution
        SNP: 141392 alternate alleles (Ti: 34646, Tv: 106746, ratio: 0.32)
   Deletion: 5629 alternate alleles
  Insertion: 183 alternate alleles
    Complex: 9 alternate alleles
    Unknown: 1 alternate alleles

Even if I imagine that I previously got the “consequence” field wrong, this would not explain more than twice the difference between the number of SNPs and the number of rows in the dataset.

Even if I have completely non-overlapping 3 samples in the data, that still doesn’t explain the issue.

Are there any ideas?:face_with_monocle:

I’m not a geneticist, but I don’t see the problem yet. I don’t know where the consequence label came from, so I can’t comment on its accuracy. If it’s annotated from some outside source, its values need not correspond to the particular samples you have.

You have 147214 variants, n_snp says for each of them you have around 22k variants where the alternate allele is present. So it seems there must be some rows of this dataset where none of the three samples has an alternate allele. That’s possible if this MatrixTable was made by taking a VCF with more than three samples and filtering it down to just 3 samples. You might consider filtering this dataset down to only variants where at least one of your three samples is not hom ref and see how many variants remain.

Thanks, @johnc1231.
Yes, that sounds reasonable and pretty much answers my question. These three samples is indeed a subset. But why does hl.summary_variants still give information about 147214 SNPs?

A “variant” in hail is a pair of a locus and an alleles array. I believe we determine whether something is a “SNP” entirely based on that alleles array for each vairant.