Hi, Hail!
I’m trying to understand how with sample_qc statistics I get an inconsistent number of rows after exporting a table.
How I discovered the problem:
- First I conduct a sample qc.
mt = hl.sample_qc(mt)
2022-03-14 21:44:17 Hail: INFO: Coerced sorted dataset
| s | n_snp | n_deletion | n_insertion | r_ti_tv |
| str | int64 | int64 | int64 | float64 |
| "P512_10" | 22333 | 65 | 28 | 3,21e+00 |
| "P512_7" | 22712 | 70 | 23 | 3,12e+00 |
| "P512_8" | 22389 | 60 | 25 | 3,26e+00 |
- I write the table into a file.
- Check consequence counts in command line
cut -f3 result.tsv | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1,1n
1 consequence
640 splice_donor_variant
1845 splice_acceptor_variant
5735 frameshift_variant
9659 stop_gained
41369 synonymous_variant
87966 missense_variant
“~22 000 n_snps per sample and only 3 samples in dataset” vs “~88 000 missense_variants” ???
How mt.sample_qc.n_snp
, mt.sample_qc.n_deletion
, mt.sample_qc.n_insertion
a little more information about the data
Global fields:
Column fields:
's': str
'sample_qc': struct {
dp_stats: struct {
mean: float64,
stdev: float64,
min: float64,
max: float64
gq_stats: struct {
mean: float64,
stdev: float64,
min: float64,
max: float64
call_rate: float64,
n_called: int64,
n_not_called: int64,
n_filtered: int64,
n_hom_ref: int64,
n_het: int64,
n_hom_var: int64,
n_non_ref: int64,
n_singleton: int64,
n_snp: int64,
n_insertion: int64,
n_deletion: int64,
n_transition: int64,
n_transversion: int64,
n_star: int64,
r_ti_tv: float64,
r_het_hom_var: float64,
r_insertion_deletion: float64
Row fields:
'locus': locus<GRCh37>
'alleles': array<str>
'rsid': str
'qual': float64
'filters': set<str>
'info': struct {
AC: array<int32>,
AF: array<float64>,
AN: int32,
BaseQRankSum: float64,
DP: int32,
END: int32,
ExcessHet: float64,
FS: float64,
InbreedingCoeff: float64,
MLEAC: array<int32>,
MLEAF: array<float64>,
MQ: float64,
MQRankSum: float64,
QD: float64,
RAW_MQandDP: array<int32>,
ReadPosRankSum: float64,
SOR: float64,
CSQ: array<str>
'a_index': int32
'was_split': bool
'variant_qc': struct {
dp_stats: struct {
mean: float64,
stdev: float64,
min: float64,
max: float64
gq_stats: struct {
mean: float64,
stdev: float64,
min: float64,
max: float64
AC: array<int32>,
AF: array<float64>,
AN: int32,
homozygote_count: array<int32>,
call_rate: float64,
n_called: int64,
n_not_called: int64,
n_filtered: int64,
n_het: int64,
n_non_ref: int64,
het_freq_hwe: float64,
p_value_hwe: float64,
p_value_excess_het: float64
'kept_transcripts': array<str>
'consequence': str
'gene': str
'gnomad_AF': str
'gnomad_NFE_AF': str
'MPC': str
'hom_ref': int64
'hom_var': int64
'het': int64
Entry fields:
'AD': array<int32>
'DP': int32
'GQ': int32
'GT': call
'MIN_DP': int32
'PGT': call
'PID': str
'PL': array<int32>
'PS': int32
'RGQ': int32
'SB': array<int32>
Column key: ['s']
Row key: ['locus', 'alleles']
data size
(147214, 3)
Variant summary stats
Number of variants: 147214
Alleles per variant
2 alleles: 147214 variants
Variants per contig
1: 14992 variants
2: 11162 variants
3: 8812 variants
4: 6494 variants
5: 7121 variants
6: 6728 variants
7: 6811 variants
8: 5045 variants
9: 6047 variants
10: 6159 variants
11: 8811 variants
12: 8167 variants
13: 2834 variants
14: 4787 variants
15: 4931 variants
16: 5492 variants
17: 7522 variants
18: 2683 variants
19: 9411 variants
20: 3731 variants
21: 1454 variants
22: 3067 variants
X: 4952 variants
Y: 1 variants
Allele type distribution
SNP: 141392 alternate alleles (Ti: 34646, Tv: 106746, ratio: 0.32)
Deletion: 5629 alternate alleles
Insertion: 183 alternate alleles
Complex: 9 alternate alleles
Unknown: 1 alternate alleles
Even if I imagine that I previously got the “consequence” field wrong, this would not explain more than twice the difference between the number of SNPs and the number of rows in the dataset.
Even if I have completely non-overlapping 3 samples in the data, that still doesn’t explain the issue.
Are there any ideas?