Zp to bgz convertion

Hi All,
I installed Hail in our sever and it works perfectly with the data provided for the tutorial.
But when I tired to load the the vcf files of 200kexomes of Biobank, hail fails.
The vcf files are in .zp ending but bgzip to file name did not work for me.
I tried $cat unzip myfile.zp| bgzip > myfile.bgz
It does not make a compressed file, seems simply changes the name.

I would be grateful if you can helpe with this.
Thank you

Hi Reshmi,

Thanks for reaching out. This sounds like issue with the Biobank data. Where did you download the files from?


It was downloaded by another group and shared with me.But I do see that they use plink and other tools to get GWAS done on the file and seems the files are fine. May I send you the error reports.

Posting the error you got from hail may be helpful