Do you have any examples - recommendations of a way to save a hail plot (manhattan plot) and write it to the google cloud bucket.
I can’t save directly to the google bucket. I get file not found errors. All I managed to do successfully is to write on the hail cluster master node but it is not ideal. I have to at the moment ssh to the hail-master node and then I ‘gsutil cp’ my html images to my google bucket. I am sure there is a much better way of doing this…
My code below for saving the plots for 35 covariates:
for i in range (0,36):
print(f"Plotting {i}:{covariates[i]}")
p = hl.plot.manhattan(gwas.p_value[i], title=f"Interval WGS GWAS Manhattan Plot: {covariates[i]}")
save (p )
p = hl.plot.qq(gwas.p_value[i], title=f"Interval WGS GWAS QQ Plot: {covariates[i]}" )
Thank you again,